Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Praise For Victory"

As you might guess, the title above Psalm 21 in my Bible is the title of this post. And as I was praying about this post this morning, I could not help but think of my life as it right now, and how God has blessed me with something that very few people get an opportunity to know or experience, which is a small taste of what it is like to love without expecting or depending upon a response for that love. This is something that God has done for us, in that He loved us while we were yet sinners; not with a love that is dependant upon our actions or our response to it for it to be given, for He has given that love to us freely and without any sort of requirement on our part, but to receive it and enjoy all of it's benefits. If we do not receive it, does that mean that He does not continue to love? Absolutely not! God loves us because God is Love; it is His nature and desire towards us, to love us because He created us in His image, and because His desire is for us is to be in a perfect relationship with Him. That is why He sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins; that we could enter into a perfect relationship with Him, and not be separated from His holiness because of sin, but be brought into His presence unstained by sin, and able to experience His perfect Light and Love. That is such an amazing thing; that no matter what might happen in this world, or in our personal lives, we always have victory for our soul, just within our reach! And all that we need to do, is to reach out and accept His love, and be made free! It's always there; waiting for us to receive it; waiting for us to experience it; waiting for us to enter in and let His love melt away all of our fears and all of our pains. Now, regarding that election which has so many Christians feeling defeated; we have the greatest victory in our corner that the world could ever have, so there really is no reason that we should ever feel defeat by what happens in this world; if anything, we should feel sorry for those that have not yet tasted the victory that we have in Christ, and we should know how much harder it might become for them to accept it. That should make us get down on our knees and pray the more for those that do not know Jesus Christ; to pray for our friends and relatives that are deceived by the popular way of thinking, and have bought into the lie of the devil. My most discouraging thought in all that was brought about by Tuesday's election, is what our public schools will be like; as if they could get much worse! If the parents are not teaching their children and raising them in the way of the Lord, then it is the public schools that are raising them, and they are teaching them to abandon God and those things that moral and right; like what little difference there is, if any, in the same sex relationship, and how they promote that kind of a relationship as special or the way that the individual was meant to become. However; there is something that is more destructive to our children than that; something that has the grip of death upon not only this Nation, but almost every Country on this planet; and it is the practice of taking the life of an unborn child. Life is something that is given by God, and if it is taken, it is meant to be taken by God, not by murder and at the will of any person; especially the mother of an innocent child. I know that there are many people who do not see the importance of what I am saying; but when we cheapen life that is in the womb, even to the point of calling it nothing but tissue or treating it like a tumor that needs to be removed, we have taken something that is a gift of God, and made it nothing more than disposable matter. This is what I fear for our children; that they would look at the beauty of God's wonderful creation; this body, mind and spirit that is created in the image of loving God; and that they would see it as nothing more than disposable matter...

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