Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"The Prayer For Victory Too"

Oh Father, we need your Spirit to be poured out upon this world in a mighty way! Father; that Your people who are called by Your name would submit themselves to You and to holiness; that Your Holy Spirit would be able to take control of our lives like never before, and that we would be a people that are the salt and the light to the world. Lord Jesus, we know that You are coming back very soon; help us be ready; help us Lord to convince those with whom we live and work, that today is the day of salvation, and that there is a place in which we shall end up for eternity, and how that You died to grant us a place with You. Holy Spirit, open up our eyes to see the spiritual battle around us, and to pray earnestly for those that are in the fight; give us boldness to share the Truth, and to proclaim Jesus Christ to a world that is lost and does not know the Way. Empower those that You have placed as leaders in Your church, making them stronger in the power of Your Spirit, and giving them victory over everything that hinders them serving You with all of their might; that they might be more than just messengers, but healers and prophets; real shepherds that give of themselves for Your sheep, denying those things that would cause them to be distracted, and prayerfully watching over the flock. Awaken those that sleep, and bring revival in our churches, that the darkness and the light would be more apparent within our lives, and those that do not know You would also be able to see the difference. Bring Your church into a deeper and stronger relationship with You, that Your love would be shared among us, and that Your love would press upon each and every one of our hearts; that the world would know us by our love for one another, and that Your love for them would be more apparent. Bind us together, Oh Lord; make us one in You, as You are One with the Father; that our children would see a united church, and that the world would see a church that is set apart for You. Help us, Dear God, to pray for those whom You have placed over us; give us the words to speak and the heart of a servant, that we can set aside foolish thoughts and wishes, and pray those things that are in line with Your kingdom. Gives us mouths that are sanctified and yielded to Your Spirit, that only those things which edify and build up are spoken from our lips; that we might speak words of encouragement and love, and never speaking out against those whom You have appointed. Make us, Lord God, to pray for those who sit in seats of power; to pray for their salvation, and for their protection; that they might fulfill that which You have appointed them to do; and that everything that they do is in line with Your preordained plan. Lord God; let this start with me; that I will not wait for others to lead the way, but that I would fasten my eyes upon Jesus, and that He and only He should guide my way; that the victory I have in You, would be demonstrated in my life, and that I live out everything that You would have me to experience in these last days. Oh, Mighty God; let Your Kingdom Come; Your Will Be Done; On This Earth, As It Is In Heaven!!! In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, I pray. Amen.

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