Thursday, November 22, 2012

"Abundance of Blessings" -2

"For Thou hast made him most blessed for ever: Thou hast made him exceeding glad with Thy countenance." (Psalms 21:6) Given that this is a day that we here in America celebrate Thanksgiving, I thought I would continue this point on our abundance of blessings that we have been given; something that I think we all can forget about every once and awhile, especially when we are dealing with loosing stuff that God has blessed us with. First of all; God is the Giver of all good gifts! I truly believe that with all my heart! He does not give us anything bad or anything to harm us in any way; everything that He gives to us, He gives that we will be blessed and brought into a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. But, what about this bad stuff; how can anyone think that it is good? Most of you should know how I feel about stuff like this by now; it is not these temporary pleasures that we should be focused upon; nor is it all about being given the things that satisfy the flesh. It is about a relationship with the God who loves us more than we can even love ourselves: more than we can ever imagine being loved, He has, does, and will always love us; even though we are sometimes rejecting His great love in the actions that we do, He will continue to love us beyond any action or thought that might come into our ignorant minds. If all were stripped away, would you still feel loved? Should you even think about such a question? What if I told you that you should, and you must! How can you know what it is that you are truly thankful for, if you do not think what it would be like to be without? So very often, we seriously take so much for granted; not ever thinking about what a blessing that it is to be blessed with a family, a wife, a child, a really good friend; these are all things that matter most in this life, yet, how often do we forsake such as these for material riches or other selfish ambitions. The most important thing in our eternal life is our relationship with Jesus Christ, and our love for God; but our relationship with one another is our most important thing to this life. The biggest problem that we have in the loss of someone that we love is regrets; the things that we wish we had done, or those things we wish we never did; all of which tear upon our heart as memories of what could have been, or what should have been. This is why I think we should think about it very hard; it should be something that we experience within our heart, before we actually really do, and before it actually happens; otherwise, we truly cannot appreciate what it is that we have been given, until it is gone...BE THANKFUL FOR THEM NOW!!!

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