Saturday, November 10, 2012

"Beyond Being Able" -2

"The king shall joy in Thy strength, O LORD; and in Thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice!" (Psalms 21:1) We must be abundantly clear about something, which is that this world will never mirror the church; and more importantly, the church should never mirror this world! The church is to mirror Jesus Christ! We are to be the likeness of Christ unto this world that is broken, sick, and dying; as ambassadors of His love to a thirsty world that has no water, we bring to them the Living Water from a kingdom that is afar off, yet it is to be alive in us. Do you know someone who has given in to the pressure of defeat? Someone who has taken on the attitude of "if you can't beat them, join them"? Sadly, I think there are some who have given in long ago, they are just now realizing that they have, and they are making it known to others. As a true believer in Jesus Christ and the finished work that He did upon the cross, we should never feel defeated by the sin that abounds upon this world; for we know that the sin of this world is what He died for, and He Himself said it would get more and more sinful in the last days; therefore, the finished work has not been undone because sin has remained or gained in strength, but rather is drawing closer and closer to the day when what was finished shall be revealed! There are several ways that we can view this verse which David starts off as a praise for victory; because it can be attached to him as the king of God's people, as one who knows the strength of the Lord upon the battlefield of both the physical and the spiritual areas of his life; but it can also be attributed to us, as those who are soldiers in the army of the Lord, as we proclaim His mighty strength and salvation to a world that is seriously in need of being saved. What makes it difficult to convince those that are lost, is that we are like the soldiers from a foreign land, who have come to proclaim that these that are lost need saving; yet, they refuse to believe that they are lost, but rather that we are lost in their land, and are disturbing their freedom to do as they wish. They neither wish to be saved, nor think that they are in need of a Saviour; but rather will push us out as something that makes them feel uncomfortable, and thereby threatens the happiness they enjoy in their sins. But, be of good courage; never doubting the message that Jesus has given for us to proclaim; because they rejected Him, so also, they will reject us; that is if we truly do mirror Jesus Christ... "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." (2 Timothy 3:12 & 13) 

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