Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"The Child of God" -2

"Childlike Trust" is the caption above Psalms 131 in my Bible; which had me wondering about the difference between faith and trust. There is a word for faith that is used as trust; as in, I have faith in truck starting this morning; but this kind of faith is much more participatory, and is based upon opinion. Trust is much the same, because trust requires an action on our part, even if it is an action of just the heart, it is required. If we say that we trust in God, then we must put that trust into action in order to accommodate that trust; otherwise, that trust is never given a chance to be lived out in us. It is quite natural for a child to trust in his parents for protection and nurturing, and as a child of God, we must do the same towards Him; that is why it is so important that we remain under God's protection. But Rich, God promises to never leave us, or forsake us; how do we not remain under His protection? Well, I am sure that you have read or heard of the "Lost Son" which Jesus spoke of in Luke chapter 15; which was the story of a young man who asked his father for his inheritance, and then went out to explore the world; in so doing, he left the protection of his father, ending up feeding with the swine. The beginning of Psalms 131 speaks to this very strongly, and if we take the time to read what David is saying, we will understand that when it comes to trusting God, our participation in that trust is to stay as close to Him as possible... "Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me." (Psalms 131:1)

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