Saturday, November 26, 2011

"Ebb and Flow" - for real

As James began his letter to the twelve tribes spread out abroad, I wonder the thoughts he must have been having about Jesus. If any one of you have witnessed the unwarranted suffering of someone that you love, then you might know how hard it is to think about them without those visions popping up in the forefront of your mind. As I am reminded of this, as far as is the case in my our life, I find the easiest way to mask those images is to think upon those things which I have done to hurt her, making the misery of her suffering count towards the repentance of my heart. This might explain the reason James spent so much time on his knees in prayer; not that anyone really knows, but Jesus. Given who James was writing to, and who it was that cried out for Jesus to be crucified, I can only imagine that James was getting to the meat of what it means to have living faith, and that there must be action involved for faith to mean anything at all. To be perfectly honest, faith that does not have action involved with it is depressing, stagnate, and can actually cause suffering in the heart of those that do not act upon their faith. If you cannot see that this is so, then imagine what might have taken place in the heart of 'the thief on the cross' if he had not spoken out. As he hung there waiting to die, just wishing he had said something to the other malefactor, anything to defend the One between them, who had done nothing to deserve what He was going through. And yet, knowing also in his heart who it was that hung beside him; having said nothing about Him or to Him, as he watched Him die first. Add to that the reaction and the conformation to what he had believed, that upon the death of Jesus, the earth began to quake, the sky turned dark and stormy, and it just became obvious that he missed his opportunity; don't you think that his heart would be suffering? If ever there was a sinking feeling that could come into a man's heart, then that would be it; especially in this case of this man, who would have no chance for a do-over, or to try again; Jesus had died, he was about to die, and his opportunity will be no more. Can anyone relate to what I am getting at? This also works in the case of our inaction within our faith. Maybe it has happened to you, where you see someone that you know God is asking you to share with or reach out to, yet you do not; only to make a promise to God and yourself, that next time you see that person you will not faint. The sad thing is, that many times the prompting of the Holy Spirit is a two-way street; where the Holy Spirit is working upon their heart as He is guiding you to share with them. The next time that you see them, this may not be the case...

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