Monday, November 28, 2011

"Perfect Balance" -2

Oddly enough, the word "obey" that Paul uses in Galatians 3:1 has a slightly different meaning than what you might think; at least it did for me! At first reading of this verse I naturally took what Paul said as him questioning a lack of action, saying, "that ye should not obey the truth". Another one of these tricky words that mean far more than our English language can explain in just one word. The word is 'peitho' which has overlapping meanings regarding persuasions; both to persuade another and to be persuaded. It is one thing to obey because you are told to do this or that, but it is something altogether different to obey because you are persuaded and firmly confident of the truth. This is what I was trying to get to yesterday about the way I felt trying to persuade those that would not listen; not that I had to convince them or else, but that they needed to receive the truth or else; because if they did not, they were headed for hell. Paul uses this expression in 2 Corinthians 5:11 with regard to persuading men: "Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men". The application here is much more of a lifesaver than someone who is obligated out of the fear of the Lord judging you for not trying to convince others; it is not dismissed entirely, but still, the motivating factor is more, How can I let them go, knowing what I know? Then, in that case, there is a moral sense of obligation, which can then become a deep and reverential sense of accountability to Jesus Christ, especially if we do not try to save a life. In Galatians 3, Paul is focused on why the Galatians would feel lead to try and be justified by the Law, having received such a mighty deliverance from the bondage of sin by faith in Jesus Christ. The point being, that once they received salvation and were adopted into the family of Abraham, they needed not take up the traditions and practices of the Jews, as if they needed to perfect something that was started by their metamorphose. It was not a case of doing what feels right, but doing what others say is right; and in this case, it was the Mosaic Law; which is not a bad thing to follow for those that follow it, but it is not what guilds the heart of us that are saved, because we are guided by faith. Faith that is placed firmly in Jesus Christ, who was and is the manifestation of God's love; giving us a sense of obligation to love not only Him who has saved us, but those also that must be saved. As far as the traditions and other legal issues go, they are worked out in our individual hearts as the Lord speaks to each and every one of them. Being filled with the Holy Spirit can have a very powerful effect on things which are right and wrong for us; taking on a whole new reason to be obedient: I am persuaded where I must be at all times; which is in the Light!!!

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