Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Perfect Balance" -4

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." (John 8:32) The truth that Jesus is speaking about here is the same truth that Paul is speaking of in Galatians 3:1. This is a truth that sets us free from the law, works of the law, and the sin associated with it's judgements. Here is the thing about this truth which both Jesus and Paul are speaking of, is that the truth does not really come to us by hearing or reading the word of God. Let me explain what I mean. In John 8:43, Jesus is speaking to those that did not believe on Him, saying, "Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word." The concept put forth by Jesus to those that did not believe in Him was quite similar to what I was sharing yesterday about my reading the Bible before and after being saved; before salvation, it did not make a whole lot of sense, but after salvation, it became alive in me. The first thing that must happen in us to begin to understand what the word of God means, is that we must open up our heart to the truth before we can even understand what those words, spoken or read, even mean. Again, there is only one way to open our hearts to the truth, and that is to allow Jesus in! The believing part is where it starts; which is why Jesus said, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed"; with the general understanding that they were showing themselves to be followers of Jesus, and that to continue, they do so as a pupil, learning from the word that is revealed to them. Really, the most important point to what Jesus is saying, has to do with the truth; which sometimes is hard for many to accept, because the truth only comes by The Truth being present in our lives; The Truth being Jesus Christ!!! And yet, there is one exception to this rule, and that is at the time just prior to our salvation. This is a very critical moment in our lives, where we are given a glimpse of the Truth by the prompting of the Holy Spirit, which is usually associated with the hearing of the Gospel message. It is in this critical moment that our heart is prepared to receive Jesus Christ; it is where He stands at the door of our heart, knocking for us to open up our heart and to let Him in. In that moment, our heart is prepared by the Truth being revealed to it; a truth which is undeniable and is witnessed by our eternal soul, which cries out for it to be received. The reason that our soul has such a desperate cry for the Truth, is because of it's eternal nature; being an eternal soul which lives on and on beyond the life that is within this body, it searches for the key to it's existence; and when that is revealed to it, it is in the moment that the soul cries out, THIS IS IT; ACCEPT IT!!!!

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