Sunday, November 13, 2011

"Oh, How He Loves Us!"

"The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) It happens every time; as soon as I am starting to get caught up in some kind of 'works' routine, He reminds me of His abundant grace. Yes, works do matter, but they are not the things by which we shall be judged; we will be judged on our relationship with Jesus Christ! Do you know Him? and better yet, Does He know you??? We could make something about works stick to the parable of the slothful servant; and if not, we could defiantly do it with the Sheep and the Goats; but that's not what it's all about! It's about how much He loves us, and that because we understand that love He has for us, we love Him back! And because we love Him back, we can not help but to also love each other in the process. Out of that process of love are the works produced; never the other way around. In other words, we cannot produce love out of works; although, many people try to make it work that way. It is like trying to sit as though you are in a car to get the car; as if, if you sat there long enough, a car would miraculously form around you, and then off you go. You are not going anywhere with out first having the car; as a matter of fact, you will not even be able to sit as though you are in the car without the car holding you up. Jesus is that car. And we must first be seated in Christ before we can go anywhere that is counted for righteousness! There will be no excuse for not be counted worthy, although many will try and make an excuse for their case, He will be found just in His judgements. Have not all heard of His love for them? Is there any place left in this world where the gospel has not been presented? When Peter spoke about the Lord not being slack in His promise, it was a picture of God's mercy towards us, and how He would give us every chance to get it right. His will for us is that we would be saved! His will is not to be able to judge us for our unrighteousness, but to judge us in righteousness. We are living in a very special time; a time that has never before presented itself in the history of man. And the only thing that comes close to our time would be the time of Noah, who built an ark, who all the inhabitant's of that time saw and mocked him over his building of it. Do you see the similarity? And yet, many there are today who mock His soon return, saying, Where is the promise of His coming?

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