Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"Perfect Balance" -3

Jesus, speaking to the Jews that believed on Him, said, "If ye continue in My word, then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31 & 32) Yes indeed, the reading of His word is very important to a balanced walk; this, there is no denying. And yet, there are those that would corrupt this basic need with strong assertions that the word of God is hard to read; as if you needed to have an interpreter to guild you through the passages of His word. Well, I am in agreement to a certain extent. Before I was saved, I would read the Bible always; faithfully reading before going to bed and after waking up; making the early morning the most important reading time of all. There was always a Holy Bible in our home, and when I say Holy Bible, I mean the big giant one that you usually have on display. Currently, I think that I have two; one which we had before we were married, and the other we received as a wedding gift. Just prior to getting saved, which was in the month of September 1981, I was then reading a Gideons pocket Testament, and I was reading it all day long. I had started serving a one year stay in the L.A. County Jail in the middle of June, and had requested a Bible as soon as I arrived, and that is all that they could find. It was adequate, but far less noble to what I was use to reading out of; but at least the words of Christ were in red. From the middle of June, up to the time that I accepted Jesus into my heart, I had probably gone through that pocket Testament at least twelve times from cover to cover; even all the extra stuff in the front and back. I also remember having a Chick tract in it as a bookmark; which just so happened to be the one called 'The Fool', which was about a king who was dieing and sent his jester out to find the biggest fool in the world; which turned out to be the king, because he would not receive Christ into his heart before he was to die. Anyways; my point is, that no matter how much reading of God's word I had accomplished, it never really mattered to my heart until after I opened it's door and let Jesus in. Oh, I would gleam little bits of information here and there; mostly historical stuff about events and places; but never really anything that came alive in me. After accepting Jesus into my heart, every verse was as if I had never read it before and had taken on a life that was in agreement with a new life that was living within me. So, yes we do need an interpreter, but He is not a mortal man, a prophet or a Pope appointed by men; nor is He a panel of prophets, set up over masses to give guidance into the Scriptures. He is the Spirit of the Living God, which opens up every word, and speaks directly to our very souls. There is something that is key in what Jesus is saying in the verses that are shown above, which is that we must continue in His word, because His word is not subject to interpretation; it is alive within us that are His...

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