Thursday, November 24, 2011

"Give Thanks!"

"I will praise Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all Thy marvelous works." (Psalm 9:1) I thought this topic would fit nicely into the day that we celebrate once a year, called Thanksgiving Day. No matter what the tradition might be, or where it originated, it, being called Thanksgiving Day should cause those that are thankful to give thanks to the One who has made it all possible. I have written in the margin of my Bible below the verse above a single word, the word 'TELL'. Like many things that I have written in my Bible over the years, I have no idea when it was written, or where I was in my walk when I was inspired to pen it there; but it is boldly written between verses one and two, and is meant to remind me what this verse or verses had once spoken to my heart. The title of this Psalm is 'Thanksgiving for God's Justice', which those that know how this works, know that God's Justice is just and right, being first declared unto Abraham in Genesis 15:6, "And he believed in the Lord; and He counted it to him for righteousness." It is first and foremost our belief in Him that brings us into a relationship with Him; but it is what we do within that relationship that solidifies it and makes it something tangible. Telling others of what He has done in us and for us, is one way that we can make our relationship with Him real, and that gives life to our faith. It was God who counted Abraham's belief and trust as righteousness, because it is God who passes judgement and sets the standards by which man is justified. There are two judgements that will be awarded unto man; one being based upon the Law, and the other based upon the saving blood of Jesus Christ. I want to make my Thanksgiving Day declaration a big THANK YOU GOD for making a way that I can be made righteous in Your sight; because, there is no way that I could pass the judgement of the Law!!!

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