Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"The Redeemed"

Regardless of how you might believe it will happen; whether it will be those that have ever heard, or those that have not; the most important thing for us that are His children, is to be ready for His return. Those that will be damned, as per 2 Thessalonians 2:12, will be judged in their actions and separated unto condemnation; you do not want to be found in this group of people! As far as the others, those that might have heard the gospel preached, taken notice, but not yet made a commitment to follow Jesus, they shall either die in their sins, or be left here at the time of the rapture. Whether or not they will get a second chance to be saved is up to God. But, like I said before, whomever it is that gets saved out of the tribulation will seal their testimony with their own blood; which will require sacrifice of their own life for their faith in Jesus Christ. If that is your thing, then take your chance if you are so inclined; however, you must know that things will not be so easy then when it comes to making that stand for Christ, and whatever belief that you are clinging to now, may flee from you with the removal of the restraining force of the Holy Spirit. Not really a chance that I am willing to take!!! I prefer to be ready; redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ at the time of His coming!!! And the way that I read it, the only way to be redeemed by His blood is to be washed in His blood; thoroughly and completely washed at the time of His coming, that my lamp may be full of oil. If that oil means the Holy Spirit, then I must do all that is necessary to be filled with the Spirit; not putting off getting those things out of my life which I know quench the Spirit in my life; but watching and praying always to be found ready. And if that oil represents what is required to be a light for Jesus, then too I must not be associated with darkness at the time of His return. Either way, we must be found ready and prepared to stand before Him at the time of His coming...

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