Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Being Prepared" -3

Have you ever gone to live with someone that you had great respect for? Someone that you were being forced to live with, but that you really were looking forward to be with? I know that might sound strange, but it happened to be the thing that came to my mind as I was finishing yesterday's post. When I was seventeen years old, I had gotten into trouble after just having served 18 months in a several different facilities. This time the judge was really mad and wanted to send me away to Y.A. for a long time; they were threatening to send me there until I was twenty five. Fortunately I had several things going for me; a mother who loved me, a probation officer that cared about me, an uncle who was also a probation officer, and a grandfather who lived in Texas and was willing to have me. So here I was, packed and ready to go, and excited that I was given a break; but as I was traveling there, I began to feel wrong; as though I was putting something on my grandfather that he did not deserve. I knew that he loved me and wanted to try and help, but I really did not want to go to him on these conditions. I know that it may not make sense to some, if not all of you, but that was a feeling that I will never forget. Fortunately I only had about two hours of flight time; because once I saw him, with his arms stretched out waiting for me to approach him, I knew that everything was going to be fine. Anyways; that cannot compare to what it will be like "to stand before the Son of man", but there is something familiar about being prepared for doing just that; and that familiarity has to do with justification; and there is only one way that we are justified in Christ, and that is by a heart that has repented and been cleansed of sin! Did I relate to this with my grandfather? Yes, I believe that I had. Because I wanted a fresh start and had committed to a new life free from crime; from robbing and badgering people just because I felt like doing something mean. I wanted to also make my grandfather proud of me, because the way that I felt in my arrival, I felt ashamed and that I was taking advantage of his love for me. Do I think that I could not be ready? Yes, I know that it could happen. I have days when I fail to ask forgiveness, mostly due to wanting to wallow around in the mud for a little while; but in those times I know that I am taking a chance; or maybe it really doesn't work like that; all that I know, is that when I ask Him to forgive me, I feel as though I am ready to be in His presence and stand before Him. Now then, regarding this statement that I made a few days ago about Jesus never letting us go; I truly believe that He will not; and yet, He will be willing to allow us to suffer those things which shall come to pass, if we are not found worthy to escape them at the time of His coming. Do you understand what I just said? Okay; maybe I should speak more simply. If we do not want to go through that dreadful Great Tribulation, then we should be "Watching and Praying" that we will not; which requires a heart that is in fellowship with Him, and that fellowship is powerful and producing the result desired by Him. Because, at His coming, it will be too late to knock... "And while they went to buy (oil for their lamps), the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage; and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore; for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." (Matthew 25:10-13)

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