Friday, November 4, 2011

"A Son Of The King" -2

Regardless of when you might think that the Rapture will take place, there are certain privileges that come with being a son of the King; because who are we talking about when He is declared the KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS? This declaration of Jesus Christ carries with it the ultimate Title, and establishes a kingdom of great authority and power. Now, let me ask you something, If you are a son of the King, and this King had such authority and power, would He let you be a part of His judgement of unrighteousness? The way I see it, all those that are left after the Rapture of His church, are either those that refused to accept Him, or those that were pretending to have accepted Him, and did not have sufficient oil in their lamps; all of which will be turned over to The Seven Seals of the Lamb. These Seven Seals are His judgement upon those that had refused His testimony and gift; because it is He, as the Lamb which was slain, that is opening each and everyone of those Seals. This speaks volumes to me about when He shall pull out those that are His; prior to His judgement makes the most sense to me!!! Besides that; the whole purpose of Him owning this scroll, or book with the Seven Seals, was to judge that which He had purchased, and to defeat the powers of darkness that shall be controlling the earth once His Spirit has been removed, with the Rapture of His church. So, as you are incline to think that the Rapture will take place mid way or after, remember this little fact: If you are ready to go prior to opening of those Seals, then you will be ready for any time which it will take place; and it could take place TODAY!!!!! "THE DAY OF THE LORD!!!" "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see." (Revelation 6:1)

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