Friday, November 11, 2011

"Left Behind - Too"

"For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:9) To associate this verse with the verses from Matthew 24:50 & 51 we must understand something about God's will for our lives, and that it is His will for us to be saved. The servant spoken about in Matthew 24 is someone that is in the Master's household, or under His lordship. This is probably the biggest snare of all for those that are Believers today, that they would consider the salvation that they have received to be so secure that they need nothing else but to receive it and move on with their life as if what they do now does not matter. The servant spoken of in Matthew 24:50 was not looking for his master to return, and thus was not doing those things which the Master required of him. Two things are the result of his actions: one of which is that the Lord "shall cut him asunder", which literally means to be cut in two; which just so happens to be the death that the prophet Isaiah suffered. This 'cut asunder' can also refer to a scourging, which in the Jewish tradition of that time would be a punishment for a disobedient servant. The other action which will take place is to "appoint him his portion with the hypocrites", which in the simplest terms means that this servant shall be left behind with those that pretended to be Believers and were not. Although God has not appointed us to wrath, it is the actions, or lack of action in service to our Lord, that will be that which shall be the result of this appointment. Much the same as the lack of the foolish virgins neglect to keep the oil in their lamps, which can literally mean to have the ability to shine; or for lack of a better description, to be a light. However, on a good note, if you want to call it good, that servant will still belong to his Master, he will just have to face the wrath that he could have avoided...Double ouch!

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