Saturday, November 12, 2011

"The Day of the Lord"

We that are to be snatched from this world will be those that are waiting to be taken; either here, there or in the air, we will be ready to be with Jesus! So you might not be convinced that 'works' will mater? You may be correct; and then again, why take that chance? I was reminded of the illustration Jesus gave in Matthew 25:14-30, which He then turned into the judgement of those that are good and those that are bad; or the Sheep and the Goats. Both of these are based upon the responsibility that we have as someone who has been given something, to be a person who uses that which have been given, and not to let it go to waste. The first illustration is in the form of a parable, where Jesus speaks about a man who before traveling to a far country calls his servants to him and divided all his worldly goods among them. Then upon returning after a long journey, the lord of those servants came back and reckoned with them; which means he intended to gather back his wealth, and then some. You know the story, and how the one that was given little was slothful with that which he had been given. If you were to look at this from a point of grace, then you could see how that the slothful servant was judged for not investing that which he had been given; even though it was little, it was still enough to be invested, or given to the exchangers, as the Lord states in verse 27. The second illustration is not a parable, but is Jesus telling us what shall take place during "The Day of the Lord", which is His day of judgement upon the unbelieving world, those that are His, and upon the children of Israel. We must not confuse the Day of the Lord to mean a 24 hour period of time; because it will start as a thief in the night, and then it will be completed at the time of "The New Heaven and The New Earth" spoken of Revelation 21. That is a span of time which includes the rapture, the tribulation, the millennial period, the final great battle, and Judgement Day; all of which are the period of time referred to as the Day of the Lord, which means a time of judgements; this is the period of time during which the judgements of the Lord Jesus Christ will take place...

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