Friday, November 25, 2011

"Ebb and Flow"

Strangely enough, I have had this title in mind for the last four days, and last night both me and my niece were living the stomach form of this! I knew I was feeling a little queasy earlier in the day, as we were preparing Thanksgiving dinner, but I pushed it off as hunger pains, not knowing what awaited me. We had planned to be on the road for Bend by 4:00pm, but didn't actually depart until almost 4:30; as I wanted to be checked into our room by 9:00pm. Half way here it started to hit me, and I was beginning to feel like I needed to pull over. We were fortunate to find that was a rest stop at about the half way point, but I could not actually do the deed while we were there; so off we went to finish our journey. Right around the 75 miles left portion of the drive, I was choking back whatever it was that was wanting to come out of me; mile by mile looking for someplace safe to stop and explode. Then finally about 15 minutes from our destination, I could stand it no more, so we pulled into an ARCO station, but the rest room was sealed with a big yellow sign that said, Broken. So off we went again, this time thinking, only 15 or twenty minutes more and I will be able to lock myself in our hotel bathroom for as long as it takes. Not more than two minutes later, while setting in the center lane, waiting for the light to change green, I could wait no longer; off I drove, through the red light, turning left into the front of a restaurant I pulled over to the side of the road, jumped out, and painted about 20 square feet of asphalt. I was then good to go for the time being, until we got to the room; at which time I spent several hours on the floor of the bathroom. Finally done with all that I could do, I was able to get to sleep by midnight, only to be awaken at 1:30am by my niece making the bathroom her resting place for the next three hours. So here we are, 8:00 in the morning, and ready to hit the slops for a beautiful day of snowboarding. And it is beautiful!!! God has prepared a wonderful day; and after that experience of last night, it seems to be made for our pleasure...

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