Monday, October 31, 2011

"The Child of God"

Here is the thing about childlike faith that makes the most sense to me, it requires the one that is believing to be accepted as God's child; and as His child, that person knows that God will not abandon him, nor will He cast him out. But I must say, given this current period of time that we are living in, it is hard to catch that same feeling from the way some parents treat their children. I think that you can blame that on technology and the way it has pulled everyone into themselves, and cause us to care more about ourselves than anyone else, including our children. However, God is not that way, nor does He change, as do so many that call Him Father. If we believe that God is Love, as John tries so hard to get across in the Book of 1 John, then we must also trust Him in everything that He does, or does not do. This has been a hard thing for me to get a solid grip upon, especially over these last eight years; but even though I sometimes doubt what God is doing, I must still continue to believe that He has His best intentions for me, and that He wants only the very best things for my life; it's just that sometimes His very best and my very best don't quit line up together. One thing that I remember as a child, up to the age of around eleven, was that I had two things to do: keep my room clean and do my chores. The chores varied from time to time, but keeping my room clean was a constant thing to do; and everything revolved around the clean room: before there was anything fun or pleasant, the question spoken was, Is your room clean? And you might think this is funny, but my mother actually owned a pair of white gloves, and she would literally use them to check my room for cleanliness. Oddly enough, I never remember hating to clean my room; but I do remember the joy that I felt when she said, Good job; you can go out to play. Do you think that our Father in heaven treats us in such fashion? What if cleaning my room as a child was similar to asking forgiveness for my daily sins? I think one thing that I learned from keeping a clean room, is that I like my room clean; and one thing that I have learned from asking God for forgiveness, is that I like a clean slate; and He is more that faithful to forgive, when I ask Him to. Okay; I am now free to go out to play... "Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother; my soul is even as a weaned child. Let Israel hope in the Lord from henceforth and for ever." (Psalms 131)

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