Sunday, October 16, 2011

"To Really Make a Difference"

Now don't go thinking that I got all soft on you, because the challenge does not stop with the stitched in home; although, our real challenge involves stitching our home into our heart, and then our heart into our home. "Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men;" (2 Corinthians 3:2) This word 'written' that Paul is using means engraved; like to inscribe, to fix, as in the heart. Something which requires this to happen to our heart, is a heart that is sold out for it's new home; thus, it is a heart that is sold out for Jesus. Thinking back to my earlier days as a new Believer, I remember something which had happened in my heart, besides the Holy Spirit dwelling within me, there was a yearning that was there for heaven; a yearning that made me live as if that was really my home. To be perfectly honest, over the years, this yearning was replaced with a complacency for waiting. Do you know what I am talking about? Well, it goes something like this: where my waiting to be with the Lord in heaven had actually taken my focus off the heaven that was inside of me; which was to be lived out in my life that was still here upon this earth. If you don't understand what I am saying, that's okay, because it is maybe something that just happened to me, and had not taken place in your heart. The sad thing is, that the people that read my heart the most are the ones whom I live with; they can see the things that I get upset over, and those things that I live for; sometimes better than I can see them myself. If I could only have it to do over again! Not likely. However, the Lord has placed this upon my heart because there is a pattern that is forged into our lives by not living out the heaven that is within us. Maybe I should explain what it means to have heaven living inside of our hearts? If heaven is my home, then there should be a continuity between my heart and heaven, and is something that is expressed by my daily living. This is something that is not just talked about, but is lived out by my actions, and especially by my reactions to life in this world. How often do we let those things that come against us take us from there to here? I know that one day I will be with the Lord in heaven, but right now I am dealing with something that is here and now. That is something which comes across loud and clear to those that are closest to us; and it resonates much more into their lives than we might think. Having been the owner of my own business for the last twenty one years, I can tell you that I have wished more than once or twice that I was working for someone else; if for no other reason than to have someone else to blame for my mistakes. There is a certain peace that comes from being told how to do what you are to be doing, and then doing that to the best of your ability. Anyways; the point that I am trying to make has more to do with a little thing called trust; trusting God in everything that comes our way; not just the big things, but in all things; even the little things can count for big things in little eyes...

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