Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Sharing Jesus"

By now you might be wondering what I am getting at; or at least, why I am still talking at all; are you? Yes, I gave you an open ended question; but the question I really am interested in has to do with sharing Jesus, and is He still the one who fascinates your life? Once upon a time, you could not shut me up from talking about Jesus and all He has done for me and you. Some people had to move away from their old friends after accepting Jesus, so as to not be influenced by the old ways of living; me, I scared all my old friends away, because everything in my life was about Jesus and how awesome He was. I was able to get a few old friends to go with me to some concerts, but for the most part, they were not interested in what I was sharing; although I have prayed for them now and again over the years, hoping that something they heard was received. Lately, I have thought often about this lack of enthusiasm in my life, and why I have settled for just being an average Christian; someone who takes what they are given, instead of reaching for more. That is how I remember things were back then, I needed more of Jesus; more and more; everyday was another day to experience something new in Christ! And how do you think I felt these new experiences? There is only one way to really experience Christ anew in our lives everyday, and that is by living out Christ in our lives, to the fullest; not settling for what life gives us, or for what we might think we have been given; but reaching out beyond our little bubble, and actually touching the life of another with the Gospel of Peace. I have been thinking about this, and praying what the Lord would have me to do; yet, I know that the answer has already been given, time and time again. Can you imagine that? I know, maybe I should fast and pray for God to make that answer more powerful in my life? Or, maybe I should just do what the Lord would have me to do, and find someone to tell about His mighty love for them, and make someones day! Lord, I pray that today You allow me to share Your love with someone, and let Your love be renewed in me. In Jesus name, Amen.

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