Saturday, October 15, 2011

"To Make a Difference"

"Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: for our God is a consuming fire." (Hebrews 12:28 & 29) Set your heart towards heaven! That is my quest for this day, one day at a time. As I was thinking about this, I was reminded about something that Jesus said about storing up treasure in heaven, and what that actually involved. I went to the movies the other day and saw the movie 'Courageous', which really brought me to my knees. There is something which must be said for making a difference in the life of another person, especially when it is the ones that we have been given; our wives, our children, and our friends. These are more than just persons that God has placed around us, they are reasons to set the example of giving our all for God; that the grace that we have been given can be made manifested into their lives. This is really something that should not be taken lightly, yet we sometimes forget to remember that our ministry starts in our home. You have most likely seen the saying, Home is where the heart is; which is usually stitched into a cloth and mounted in a picture frame. There is good reason for this presentation of such a saying, because how we are at home is stitched into our hearts; although we might forget this as we have a different persona at home than we do in the company of others, especially those in the church. But the truth, sometimes sad truth, is that those whom God has given to us at home are the ones that we have the most influence upon; whether good or bad. If we are going to store up our treasure in heaven, then what that involves is making a difference in the lives of others; which starts in our home, because our home is where our heart is...

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