Saturday, October 1, 2011

"Elective Surgery"

Now we are getting somewhere!!! What does God want? God wants to change my heart!!! That my dear brothers and sisters is what takes place in the ministry that God calls us into: the servant becomes the student; the teacher gets taught; the man of God is fashioned into a son of God. All of these things actually take place at the moment that we were conceived into the family of God, but yet they are also produced and brought forth within us as we grow in the Lord; sometimes repeatedly, if need be! Am I saying that we might need to have our heart circumcised again, as if that which was taken away has grown back? Not necessarily; because that which was cut away, was taken out of the way by Jesus Christ, never to be put back again; however, anything that was put back, was our own doing; which makes that which has been put back something that is made with hands; yet the actual circumcision that was first performed was not done with hands, but was of God. Therefore we are faced with something new; something which requires elective surgery at the hand of God. I have written in between verses 11 & 12 of Colossians chapter 2: Cut Away - Elective Surgery. Now, could it be that the two are meant to go together? Which would mean that the question that was written between verses 10 & 11, What Does God Want?, was then answered between verses 11 & 12; which would say that God wants to cut away at the parts of my heart that do not belong there in the first place; which requires the heart to yield to, and give permission for the Mighty Surgeon to do His work. I will even go a step further, to say that this ties into what Paul says in verse 16; wherein he does not change course in sharing what God has done in us, but affirms that which might be something that might be the cause of what we tend to put back: "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holiday, or of a new moon, or of the sabbath days". And yet there is another aspect of this equation that must be considered, and it is something that is overlooked by many that get involved in ministry: God is not done working on our hearts!!! People hesitate getting involved in a particular ministry because they know that God will require them to change as a condition of being in that place; and yet when they feel that they are ready for the ministry, they think that they have changed; however, God is not done changing them; which causes some to question the ministry that they are in; when really, the question that they must ask is all about them... 'Change my heart O God, make it ever new; change my heart O God, may I be like you...'

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