Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Set Out To Seek Jesus" -3

Here is a little trick to training to win a race, which any good athlete will know: you must do everything that you can to decrease those things that hinder you from going faster and further, and you do everything possible to increase your ability to win. Now then; as for this title, which I am sure many of you have been wondering what it might mean to 'Set out to seek Jesus'; there is a point to Paul saying, "looking unto to Jesus", besides just to be looking for comfort, peace and faith; for it is Jesus that has set the race before us, and it is Him who will give us strength to run well. However, we are not racing against each other in the race that has been set before us, we are running against all those things that are against us; primarily, the things of the world and the devil. Each of us has his or her own race that we have been given, unique as we are individual, but altogether united in the same goal; and we must help each other to the furtherance of each others ability to win; unlike a race that we might be running in that we are in competition with one another, and that we would not give advise to, or hold up fellow competitors when they are down; this race requires that we help one another to succeed. The main point to this race that we are in, is not to hinder each other, but to help one another in an effort to make our own race swifter and less cumbersome; because we are all one body, made up of many members, yet the same body; and as such, we must treat each other just as we would treat a part of our own body in the preparation and the effort to endure any race. Besides, Jesus having set the path before us to finish, has set it before us so that we might finish it well, but in order to follow the path that He has established, we must set out to seek that path, and not try to make one of our own. Which brings me to another trick to winning a race: emulating those things that the one who is winning might be doing, and then you will at least stand a chance to win... "For consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin." (Hebrews 12:3 & 4) 'I do not have sin in my life that I do not like...'

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