Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Sharing Jesus" -.05

"Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" (Philippians 1:6) Okay, so that didn't go exactly as I had planed it, but I at least told someone yesterday that Jesus loved them; I just did not have the time to show them how much. However, one thing that I discovered about yesterday was how much I paid attention to the people that I meet, as if each one of them were set before me to be witnessed to; thus my actions were constantly in check, waiting for an opening to share, and prepared to give a testimony for the hope within me. My only problem was the jet-pack which was strapped to my back, causing me to be rushed in so many different directions, and not having the time to share much more than a smile. I had thought about getting some tracts, which I could hand out to those that I passed by with signs asking for help; along with some money and some instruction about quizzing them about the tract next time I see them; something of an incentive to read it. That would actually be kind of fun; don't you think? Wait; I have a better idea: How about giving out pocket Bibles to them, and saying, Memorize a Scripture, and next time I see you it will be worth $5.00 to you? Imagine that; you could have your own Sunday School class spread all over the city; people reading God's word and placing it in their hearts. Okay, so I get carried away sometimes, but the Scripture above was one which I memorized years ago, to keep me in remembrance of Who's I am. The work which was begun in me way back in September, 1981, was maybe put on hold on and off over the years, but it is no way complete! Remembering back to something that I realized in 1983, only two years after I began, that God may allow us to quit, but He will never quit on us. I had purchased my first home at that time, and had shifted gears for a while; being focused on sales far more that sharing the Gospel. About six months into our new home, I had been praying for some way to get involved with our church, and God gave me an answer in the form of a vision, which was me handing a tract from our church to everyone that I meet. Needless to say, I found out in short order that some people did not appreciate me handing out these things to them as part of my Termite Inspection; so I found ways to leave them somewhere inside their home; like in the bathroom next to the toilet. It did not take long for that to be brought to the attention of my boss, who scolded me about pushing my beliefs upon others, and how we were to respect the privacy of our customers home. So I stopped with the tracts to homes that I went to, and began leaving them in every public place that I went; in the public rest rooms, restaurant tables, public telephones, grocery store shelves; it was all out war on the enemy, and I was out for blood. It was at this time that I memorized the verse above, in an effort to be reminded of Who's I was, and that He was not finished with me yet... It's time to put this verse back to the forefront of my mind!

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