Saturday, October 22, 2011

"Our Daily Bread" -3

'What is it?' That was my question regarding the illustration that I saw of the children of Israel gathering manna and what that had to do with our giving tithes; Lord, what are you telling me? 'Manna' is the Hebrew word 'Man' which comes from the word 'mah' which means all sorts of the words which would be used in a question; how, what, where and why; 'Man', however is a word that refers to Manna, but it literally means "What is it?" One of the three items to be placed in the Ark of the Covenant; along with the second set of tables of stone that God wrote upon, and Aaron's rod which did bud. It was God's miraculous provision for the nation of Israel for forty years, as they wandered in the wilderness. There is no greater example of God's provision for our physical needs than that of the manna which He gave them six days a week, for forty years. Yet, at first, the children had to learn to trust God for this provision; just as we must learn to trust God to provide for our daily needs. They were instructed to only gather enough for their daily use everyday, with the exception of the sixth day, and then they were to gather enough for the Sabbath day also, so as to not be gathering on that day. However, there were some which would gather more than they could use, and then the next day, that which they had gathered would be rotten and full of worms. And then there were those, who thinking that the manna would not last more than one day, did not gather enough on the sixth day for the Sabbath, and they would be out to gather on the Sabbath day, finding that there was no manna provided for them on that day. What a perfect example of how we must trust God for our provision when it comes to our finances and the giving of our tithes. How often we hold back from giving our tithes, thinking that we do not have enough to give to God His portion, only to find that which we held back to be rotted away and consumed by worms; which actually represents the devil. Jesus said time and time again how we were to not worry about tomorrow, yet how often we do; thinking how we will make do with what we have been given beyond today; and then wondering how it is that we do not have enough, nor find what we thought would be there, when we do not follow His instructions...

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