Saturday, October 8, 2011

"Seeking Jesus In The Mix"

"But God commandeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) God's love is real; His love is sure; but, most importantly, He loves me! We must set our hearts on what God did for us, which was much more than just His act of love for the world; it was His demonstration of love for me, and you; each one of us were in His mind as He set this plan in motion. That might seem hard to accept for some people, Like how does God know me then? Wasn't that over 2,000 years ago? Actually, God set His plan in motion a lot earlier than that! And yet, I believe that God knew me even back then, however long ago that might have been, because God is eternal, and He knows all things; which means that He knows today, yesterday and tomorrow. The word 'commandeth' that is used in the verse above means to show, prove, approve, manifest; to commend, recommend or make acceptable or illustrious. Here is the thing that gets me really thinking: if God knew me then, then He knows me now, and He knows me hereafter; which really causes my brain to swirl when I think about how He sees me; because now He sees me covered by the blood of His Son; washed whiter than the snow; as if I never sinned. And because God chooses never to look upon sin, then does that mean He has always seen me as if I have never sin? Some might come to that conclusion; however, if we are to try and accept that, then what about the fact that "He commandeth His love toward us, in that we were yet sinners"? It makes my head spin! Therefore, I am thinking that there is only one thing left to do, which is to set my heart and soul to seek Jesus; to place my loves desire on Him and to put my affections towards Him; making my will to do the things which bring Him glory. That is how I set my heart and soul to seek Him, because He is waiting for me there; He is longing for me to make the right choices; to place my love for Him above all else; to seek Him with my whole heart!!! Everything else is not important, and is not seeking Him...

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