Friday, July 1, 2011

"Pressing On Into War"

Having said that, I am reminded that there is a battle that must be waged; one that requires our attention to the world around us. Not that we are waging war against the world, but that the world is waging war against us; breaking us down and causing us to take our eyes off of the prize; this is what the enemy does! It is hard not to care about those things that are taking place on this earth; things which fly in the face of all that is holy; things which keep us aware of the evil that is waging war against us. Thinking back to the time when John wrote his writings, we can see that things have not really changed all that much; they have only grown more sudden. In his day, many days would pass between what would happen and the news of those ordeals; in ours, we only need to turn on our news channels, or open up to our favorite news site on the Internet to see the battle wage. Is it any wonder that the church is not more in tune with the real battle that is taking place; one that is not for land or money, but that is for the hearts and minds of those that are not focused on the real battlefield. Oh, this is war alright, but not the war that some might think. It is war against our children and those that are not yet written in the Lamb's Book of Life. And what are the weapons that the enemy has at his disposal; weapons that he will use to his advantage that should not be his part of his arsenal? The church!!! Christians that waiver in their belief; children of God who do not love as God's child; Christians that do not love God with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength! Those are the weapons that we give him to use against us, the church, and ultimately against all those who do not know the truth. It is not just a matter of who is right and who is wrong; it is a matter of who is living as though it really matters! And because this war is so real, we must press towards that which is right; not giving into pride and selfishness. Selfishness that lives for today and the cares of this life; but rather, we must have a life that is living for tomorrow, and that which is to come. As for the battlefield, it is not what we see, because what we see happening in this world is only the result of what is going on in the real battlefield; our battlefield is a spiritual arena, one which is actually not visible in the eyes of the world; yet! I say yet, because I believe that they will see, and they will know who's side they are really on. Just as that vision of riding down from heaven was not to do battle, but to show forth glory like they have never seen; and will most likely be the only glory that some will ever see, except for at judgement day; however, I am not convinced that those who's name is not written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be able to see the Great White Throne and Him who sets upon it... "And I saw a Great White Throne, and Him that sat on it, from Whose face the earth and heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them." (Revelation 20:11)

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