Saturday, July 9, 2011

"The Power of God" -3

'Dunamis'; power, especially inherent power! All the Greek words that are derived from the stem duna- have the basic meaning of being able, capable. The power of God that is inherent, comes lent to the witnesses and ambassadors of Jesus Christ, and include such things a miracles and wonders; but also include great abilities. My ability to do something difficult in my life may not seem so difficult to someone else, but then again, when coupled with servitude and the love of God, even the smallest act of kindness can become a mighty wonder. I always wonder why we don't see so many miracles here in our country, at least not like during the time of the Apostles. I think it has to do with two main points that were taking place in that time; the persecution of the early church and the spreading of the Gospel. However, there is still one thing which we have in common with that power demonstrated during the early church, and that is the inherent ability to be sanctified. Oddly enough, many of God's people may not feel very sanctified in their lives, due to struggles with sin, or the inability to express the properties of what the word even means. I for one can attest to the lack of sanctification in my own life; wherein the cares of this world, or even the worries of being a business owner, can drown out those properties that should otherwise be present and visible in my daily life. If I had to put my finger on one specific point in my life that could rob me of my sanctification in Jesus Christ, I would have to again point to sin. Sin comes in all shapes and sizes; but the bottom line of what sin means, is falling short of what we should be, do, or have in our relationship with Jesus Christ. As a believer in Jesus Christ, we are chosen by Him to be His workmanship; something which requires an ability to be strong in one thing that is inherent in all believers of Jesus Christ: Grace: The Power to be!!! "Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." (2 Timothy 2:1-4)

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