Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Free To Love"

Not the same place that we were born in, that's the picture that I see. Alright, you might be wondering what that means; or, at the very least, you might not see the connection between that statement and the title of this blog; or do you? Simply put, we that are saved, are not in the same position of standing with God that we were when we were born into this world, (duh). Yes, I know; who let that cat out of the bag? But I am actually talking about something a little more instructional, since we all know that we were born in sin and separated from a holy God; but there is another place where the change takes place, and it is called our heart. I know that might be hard to understand if you have not yet been born again; and I have seen the evidence of that when sharing the Love of God with someone who does not understand how much He loves us. The common conception for those that do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ is that God is a judge, and is constantly judging the world for their sins. They rarely see the Love of God being the picture of who He is, and how that bases His affection towards us; or even how He looks upon us. There will come a day for judgement, that is for sure; but right now it's time to get saved!!! Once we are given a glimpse of how much He loves us, it is then that we are free to love Him back. You might not think that is such a big deal; after all, we are commanded to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength; but the way I see it, we can not truly do this commandment until we actually know how much He loves us. This I believe is proven by the rest of the statement Jesus made after verse 28; because within His words are the instruction to becoming free to love God. We must learn how Jesus is presented as the sum and substance of the gospel; and to become related to Him is to know Him, and knowing Him is to know His teaching and abide in it... "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." (Matthew 11:29)

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