Thursday, July 7, 2011

"The Power of God"

Not to be one who likes to stir up controversy, but I can see why some people who get saved are not on fire as much as others, and it has to do with a little thing called sin. No way!? Am I sure? I think I have it figured out; although, there might be some that are just ashamed of the testimony of Jesus Christ; however, I am thinking that the reason they are ashamed is due to not surrendering fully to God's awesome power to save. The book of 2 Timothy is believed to be the last letter the Paul wrote, and it is one that expresses not only hope to carry on in the fight, but it brings the power of God into down to earth practices; in other words, it expresses the simple ways to show forth the power of God in our lives. Common things that would seem as though they are not that important, can become mighty things in the eyes of those for which they are intended. The reason that sin is the main reason for holding us back from letting go for God is because we have not experienced the power of God completely in our lives. Okay; I know that I am not a judge (yet), but you must realize something about God's power to save, and that it is power to not only save us from our sins, but power to deliver us from the bondage of sin. However; in order to know the power that is able to deliver us from that which is otherwise still part of our lives, we must be willing to part with it, once and for all! So how does this cause us to be ashamed of the testimony of Jesus Christ? Well, from a practical standpoint, it is cause in effect; in other words, our testimony is to be based upon personal experience; that the one who is expressing the power of God to save, bases what he says on his own direct knowledge coincident with reality, and the Gospel is shared as a narrative of actual and practical truth, and a declaration of facts. So then; if you have not fully experienced God's power to deliver you from your sins, or the bondage of sin, then how can you with all honesty, and without being ashamed, give testimony of the power of God to save? And, having the chance to fully experience the power of God in our lives, creates in us the courage to face anything; why? Because it becomes REAL!!! "For which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." (2 Timothy 1:12)

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