Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Resting In God's Love"

Not as easy as it may sound, but very necessary for our ability to know Him more! What am I talking about, you might wonder. I left off yesterday talking about accepting the fact that God knows us, each and every one of us, and that He loves us one and all. So then, why should it be so difficult to rest in that love? I have a theory, but you might not like it; and it has to do with our ability to love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Ever have nights when you just could not get to sleep? You toss and turn for hours, just watching the hours pass by on the clock, as they get closer and closer to the time that you must wake up. Something is distracting you from your sleep; that is the bottom line to what is stopping you from getting to sleep, you are being distracted from the ability to just close your eyes and sleep; whether it's pain, an itch, anxiety, worry, or a busy mind; whatever it is, it is distracting you from being able to sleep. Now then, take that same principle and apply it to our ability to rest in God's love; it is not that His love is not available, because it always is; but that we are distracted by something else, from being able to rest in His love. Sin is a pretty common distraction, but so is love for other things. To rest in the love of the Lord requires that we love Him; I really cannot say it any clearer than that. To continue in that rest, that requires that we are not distracted from loving Him; a whole different level of rest, and one that is difficult to achieve. And it is not because we have no ability to achieve it, because we do: the Holy Spirit that is abiding within each and every one of God's children, He can keep us resting in God's love; however, it is still up to us to turn our face towards God. The Scripture that I closed with yesterday, which was Zephaniah 3:17, had a part that was hard to figure out at first: "He will rest in His love" is not to be mistaken for anything else but God's love always being present. When we do not feel His love surrounding us, it is not because He has quit loving us, but that we have been distracted from loving Him!!!

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