Monday, July 25, 2011

"To Be Set Apart Too"

If you could plan something that was really really big, something that was going to stun the world, what would it be? As I was praying about this post this morning, I could not help but think how those that have scoffed at talk of Jesus, and have even persecuted those that believe in Him, are going to react to the mighty glory that shall be revealed. Do they even get to see it? I can recall as a child, one thing that I hated the most was being punished by going to bed without dinner, because back then, the television was set aside for viewing as a family after dinner. As I would lay there in my bed, not only was I hungry from not eating, but I also was being starved of the entertainment going on in the other room. I could hear laughter, making out who was laughing, and wondering what it was that they could be watching. The hunger for food did not matter anymore, because the new hunger from missing out on the fun was stronger. There is another meaning to being set apart, which is to sever, or cut away that which is not wanted or unworthy. I am thinking that somehow those that have rejected God's offer of mercy and grace, will in some way or another know what they are missing out on. The old saying, misery loves company, has truth to it; because those that are bent on destroying there lives, will want to include others in their misery; not because they actually want the company, but because they feel better when others suffer with them. Anyway; as I was praying, thinking about those that scoffed, I was shown something that I think is rather interesting: Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, has a Name that is to be given that is above every other name; being set above everything that could ever be named; what do you think that means? As we look to what we shall become, let's remember something that might be hard to imagine, but is the reason that He suffered and died for us: that we will be One with Him and with the Father; not just in Spirit, but in the new bodies that we shall be given in heaven. If that is not enough to make us seek holiness, how about these apples: we too shall be given a new name, as we are joined together with the Lamb of God, as One... "How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I could count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with Thee." (Psalm 139:17 & 18)

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