Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Only Jesus"

"For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." (1 Corinthians 2:2) What really makes us humble? Is it the fact that we can't ever get it right? Or, is it the cross, and He who died on it for us, even because we can't? This is something that we may not truly understand until the day that we stand before Him, and witness the look in His eye as He holds out His nail pierced hands to us. Sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves that we forget that what He did was in our place. To be perfectly honest, I tend to forget more often than I would care to admit; but the truth of the mater is, that I rarely give it much thought. Not that I am not grateful for what He has done, because when given the chance to think about it, I am; but I think it comes more down to the life that I live which causes me more to focus on the liberties that I have, than on the punishment I was saved from. Yet, that is what He did; as He hung there on that cross, He paid the price for my sins!!! Something which makes me wonder about the sin in my life, and to what point that my sins were paid for? Do you understand what I am asking? I can't blame you if you don't, because I am such a vile sinner, only I could come up with such a question. But seriously; how is it that we can continue in sin knowing that He hung there on the cross to pay the price for the sins that we commit? Alright, it's true that we are called out of darkness and into His marvelous light; I get that; but when we try to disappear back into the darkness, if not just for a moment, what then? It is not because we do not value the price which He paid, but that we forget why He paid the price to begin with! We are sinners through and through, and as such, we are not able to live a perfect life; however He did; and because He did that which we cannot do, He purchased us with His blood when He died in our place; giving Him the right to call us out of the darkness, and setting us apart from that which we would normally be accustom to, as one who is a sinner! So then, my next question: If we are saved by such marvelous grace, then why do we so gracefully sin?

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