Thursday, July 14, 2011

"The Standard"

God's Word: that is our standard; discounted by some as out of date, sexist, or something which was meant for another time when men literally walked the earth; yet to those that are His children, it is the Light that lights the way. When pressed against the ropes, we that depend upon His word for answers to hard questions, know how important God's word is for gravity. I say that with all sincerity; although, to be caught in a free-fall, many of us that have depended upon His word for a safety-net have discovered that just reading the printed words is not quite enough. There must be application of the Word into our lives for real gravity to take hold. How is application of God's word brought about? Bringing His word to life, that's how!!! Although, to bring God's word to life, we must be willing to accept everything that is written as the truth; meaning that we do not just pick the parts that we agree with and discard the rest. To put that another way, let's just say, that a real safety-net does not have a bunch of holes in it! In other words; all of Scripture is meant to be taken together as the truth, and all of it is relevant to our life. Not what everyone wants to hear, I am sure of that; but the truth of the matter is, that you can not have some without the other. Some of the biggest churches around are those that preach prosperity and warm fuzzy sermons, without really getting into those topics that can make men uneasy. Instead, they teach things which make people feel good about who they are, without touching upon the holiness of God, and the standard which must be reached. After all, who wants to sit through sermons about how unworthy they are, or how low they might be in comparison to a holy God? However, if you know what the standard is, and learn the resource of our ability to reach that standard, then you can feel good in knowing that it's not about what we must do, but about what He has done! I can't imagine any fluffy-feel-good sermon that can compare to that!! Because, at the end of the day, we all fall short of the Standard which has been established by God... "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16 & 17)

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