Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Soldier Up" -3

Finally; as a soldier who has been sanctified, we have been made equip for the battle; which also means that we are not just pushed out to war without the tools and the training required to defeat the enemy. However, as a good soldier who is trained for the battle knows he must depend upon those who fight along side him, so too must we count upon our brothers and sisters in Christ for support that they can offer in the heat of the battle. Again, something that many of us forget to consider as part of our fighting force. Not that we have not been instructed in such matters, but that we tend to not want to reach out for support when pressed in certain matters; especially those that hit closest to home (if you know what I mean). First off; we are trained, not by power or by might, but by God's Spirit; which for the purpose of the battle needs no prior training, but is well equip to fight any battle that the enemy might bring forth. Although, the problem that we face in light of this training has to do with yielding to the Holy Spirit at the times when we are battling ourselves. To be perfectly honest, this is the point at which we must be willing to yield the most, and failing to do so can cause that which is sanctified to become defiled. Secondly; those that are in the fight beside us are also equip with this same Spirit, which for the purpose of the battle, even our personal battles, can make the difference we might need to be triumphant in that which we might otherwise fail. Yes it is personal, this battle we might face; however, the Person is not us, but the body of Christ!!! Can we see that? I think that there are times when we can not! Because if we did, then there would be no strife among us. And it is not because we do not see the strife amongst each other, or know that there is need for a cure; but that we do not pursue that which is common in the midst of the strife. And what would that be? is what you might ask... JESUS!!! Who's soldier that we are... "Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began;" (2 Timothy 1:9)

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