Friday, July 8, 2011

"The Power of God" -2

Okay, maybe I like to stir things up a little; but you have to admit, things need to be stirred up in our lives! For the most part, we that live here in the United States are spoiled when it comes to facing persecution, and have grown up in the Lord as children dependent upon our environment more than we are on Jesus. If you don't get that, it is okay, because you soon will! As for Paul, he was in the last trial of his life when he penned this letter; with only Luke still at his side, he had just been arrested again and sent back to Rome; but this time to be beheaded. This being his last chance to express encouragement, and in a time when things were not looking so good for himself, Paul uses this opportunity to share things from a heart of remembrance. What I mean by that, is that Paul was reflecting on his own personal conflicts, challenges, and weaknesses, as he expressed to Timothy, whom he looked upon as a son, how to be steadfast, bold, and courageous. Many believe that Paul had left Rome after spending much time there under house arrest and being acquitted of his charges; only to be rearrested later when Nero needed a chief scapegoat for the burning of Rome, which he started himself. Therefore, Paul was not returning to the same environment that he had left; and his days were numbered, and he knew it. So the second letter to Timothy was more like Paul's farewell address to his son; giving him the best advise that he felt he had to give; and doing so from the perspective as a servant who is about to be rewarded for his service. This type of emotion and expressions of the heart, many of us will never know; especially those of us who live in countries that do not persecute Christians. For us, our protector has long been the country that we live in; unfortunately, that is the case, because that is what we have grown accustom to. For those that do not have that luxury, or weakness, depending how you look at it, it is the power of God that is relied upon. I cannot imagine what that must be like, because I have not been forced to experience it; but this much I know, being dependent upon God's power for survival, courage, or even strength, must come from being dependent upon God; there is no other way!!! "Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sake, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with Him, we shall also live with Him: If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him: If we deny Him, He also will deny us: If we believe not, yet He abideth faithful: He cannot deny Himself." (2 Timothy 2:10-13)

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