Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Pressing On Into War" -2

Just in case you were not aware, ours is a forward motion! Continually pressing forward, not into, as to war with the evil that is in this world; although there are many which call themselves God's children that do. Let me try and clarify something right now: if you see it, it is not our war! Having said that, I must also mention that what we actually see may be the result of that which is meant to be our war; those things which are close to our personal lives. But the battle will not be won on this level, and we will not be able to change lives without the work of the Holy Spirit. That is because the war we are waging is a spiritual battle; which requires spiritual attack, and something that is often left out of the equation: God's love! Why is it that we think we need to check God's love at the door when we are waging war? As I was praying about this today, I was reminded how Jesus was only angry at those that pretended to belong to God but did not. Even those that were demon possessed, He would love them, as He would cast the demons out of them; oddly enough, He was also kinda gentle in spirit to the actual demon, or demons, as the case may have been. But those that were masquerading as servants of God, He was not kind to them, and would call them for what they were, vipers; wolves in sheep's clothing; children of the devil; names that put them in their place, and that did not express any love for who they were. Not that we should take on that role, and start calling out Believers whom we think are not who they say they are; but my point was to show the love Jesus had for all the others. Jesus knew the hearts of men, we do not; there is the difference that we have in calling out those that are not His, even thou they claim to be. However, loving those that are lost, mislead, or trapped in sin; even those that are demon possessed, requires our hearts to be grounded in God's love. I must go back to something that I said before: God's love is what brings us the ability to love! And without God's love we are not His children!!! Because nothing, absolutely nothing, has the power to save, as God's love... "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whomsoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

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