Sunday, July 24, 2011

"To Be Set Apart"

"I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knowest right well." (Psalm 139:14) The meaning of 'to be set apart' is to be wonderful; which is to be something that has a very special place in God's creation. Jesus has purchased us with His blood to be His bride, which in and of itself is something far greater than we can begin to imagine. And when that day shall come we shall be overwhelmed by the position that we are given and the glory that we will share in with Him. If we only knew what was waiting for us; if we could only get a glimpse of what we shall become; how much easier it might be to remain holy and pure. I believe Paul had such a glimpse; as well as several others, including David, who had written about the marvelous works of the Lord, although not able to put into words the glory that was revealed to them. John, who was taken there for the purpose of writing the Book of Revelation, could only use metaphor's and symbolism's to describe what he saw; and he even had help, by the Lord telling him what to write. As for those of us that have not seen, we are meant to look for it as a prize which shall be revealed on that day; just knowing that the spender will be beyond description. It is one thing to wait for something grand that you shall be recieving; but it is something altogether more wonderful to be part of the grandeur...

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