Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Being Set Free"

When is the freedom realized? Do you know that you are free? These two questions are similar, yet they are also worlds apart. To understand what I am getting at you must be born again and have been set free from the bondage of sin; otherwise that which is realized by being set free can not be understood. And, to know that you are free can only come from the filling of the Holy Spirit, which not only confirms your freedom, but stabilizes your heart and mind to that which is so very foreign to your usual way of thinking. It's not that we are not able to comprehend the freedom that we have been given, because we can, and we must; but the real struggle that we have is living out this freedom while in a world that is still in bondage. Here is where realizing the freedom that we have in Jesus Christ must be accomplished within our hearts and minds. It is not something that we can let alone for that time when we are to be judged, knowing that we have been set free from the condemnation of sin; but it is vital for our testimony now to not only know that we have been set free, but to realize that freedom, and to live it out in our lives. Okay, I can feel a sense of questioning what I am getting at, and must adjust my direction. Here is the deal: as a born again believer in Jesus Christ, we are no longer on this world and it's damnation; it is dying and is doomed for destruction, yet we have been set free from that which is it's fate. Now then; because we have been given a new dwelling place, not of this earth, yet we continue to currently inhabit this earth, we are required to express the freedom that we have been given. This is not always easy to do; however, the Holy Spirit stabilizes that ability within us, to give us the ability to continue to express this freedom in times which we might not otherwise be able to do that on our own. On the one hand we know that we have been set free, and can sense the freedom being given, and the burden of sin has been removed; yet we struggle daily to realize that freedom which we have been given, because we are still part of this dying world. However, this is where we must put that freedom which we live into life; because we are not of this world, but also still in this world, then it is only logical to assume that we have a purpose for being here; otherwise, we would be taken up into heaven as soon as we accepted Jesus Christ into our hearts! "I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." (John 10:9)

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