Saturday, July 16, 2011

"The Standard" -3

"He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love." (Song of Songs 2:4) Now I know that some of you might think that the 2nd and the 3rd definitions that I gave yesterday were much the same, and that is easy to gather; however they are not. The 2nd definition had to do with measurement, as to how God would judge that which is to compare to the standard that He has established; while the 3rd definition is something which goes far beyond just His comparable standards; but rather is His expression of Love: Something which is manifested by Him, and is excellent!!! It is given onto us regardless of our intent; yet the flip side of this is the second part of that definition, which is our response to His Great Love; or, that which is to be considered as the norm. I know that there are some that can not see this contrast, and that is well to be expected; because the love which God has expressed to us is greater than we can fathom. However, the response that we can muster in no way can compare; which is the reason for the plurality in that part of the definition, because it is that which is common. Modern dictionary definitions do not express this entirely, and some do not even try to associate anything close; however, the implication is there that someone grand has established something that can not be replicated, or at least is not likely to be repeated or outdone. In the interest of time, I must try and sum this up, and I will try to give it my best shot. To be brought into the banqueting house, is to be carried into a place where there is new wine; wine that has not been given out before or released to the public; much like at a vineyard, where you might be taken into a sampling room, and then given a taste of wine that is very special to the vintner, something no one else has ever tasted of. And, His banner over me is love, is His special way of sharing something with me that is so dear to His heart, that He has literally taken from Himself to share it with me!!! This is no ordinary Love...

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