Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"The Strengthening" -3

(Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...) As if the real solution is to be able to tolerate whatever it is that we are going through; because it is not! We still might find whatever it is to be hard to deal with; however, in the midst of the storm we find shelter and peace. The storm may still be there, and can still be a present danger, but our relationship with the Lord is strengthened through it. It is this kind of strengthening that brings us to a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus; thereby making us more aware of the sanctuary that we have in Him. This is why that this form of the word is only found in biblical grammar, because it is only in Jesus where we can find this type of strength. Real comfort within the storm can only come from He who controls the storm; and we must realize this as so! Unfortunately, our natural reaction is to want the storm to be over, and therefore we do not take rest until it is; but the real strengthening takes place within the storm. Hence the reason for us to count it all joy as we are going through anything which can cause us to draw closer to our Lord. But how often do we practice this? But we must!!! Please don't misunderstand what I am saying, and think that we must become storm chasers, looking for storms to come our way; that would be foolish and would not do us any good at all. However, we must be willing to be ready for anything that would come against us, knowing that through this which you are about to face, Jesus will be glorified, and you will be strengthened in Him, or possibly, also others will be strengthened through you. So, does this mean that we will not tolerate the storm? No, because in all probability we will; however, that is not the reason for us to be strengthened, nor is it how we are strengthened. In fact, our anguish may intensify, and may even become unbearable; however, though our flesh be destroyed and our body be brought to the point of death, our spirit shall be at peace. Can we find that kind of peace anywhere else but Jesus? I think not!!! Please believe me when I say, it is not about finding comfort in this life, because if that is what you are looking for, you will be sadly disappointed in the outcome; or at the very least, the comfort that you find will be temporary. Instead, we are given comfort in Jesus Christ and Eternal Life; something which extends far beyond this life or anything in this world that could tear our flesh apart...

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