Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Victory is Ours" -2

After much thought and prayer, I have decided that our battle is not with this world, so the need to have a sword in one hand is not for that purpose; it's purpose is for the work of the church!!! We do not battle flesh and blood, but the powers and rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places; therefore, we cannot try to defeat what is taking place in this world. However, our duty is the protection of the church; much like during the building of the wall in the book of Nehemiah, where the sword which they held in one hand was not to go out and battle the badness in the world, but was to keep anyone from stopping God's work that they were doing. I think this is the message that John is trying to make, as he does so with words; we must fight for our love to be real amongst each other; we must make that our battlefield, not the world, which is doomed for destruction, and is not our war; but the war of our own hearts and minds, that is where we are challenged by the enemy of God. As I was going to sleep last night, I envisioned riding down from heaven on a horse; thousands and thousands of us were mounted upon horses; everyone bearing a glorious golden sword in there right hands; and we were being lead by a Mighty King, who's brightness outshines the sun. And here is the really weird part of the vision, we were not actually going to battle, because there was no real battle; any battle that was to be fought, had already been won! So basically, we were showing up for all to know, You have no idea Who you are messing with!!!!

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