Monday, June 13, 2011

"Keeping a Pure Heart" -2

Having a pure heart is pointless if we are going to continue in sin, that is for sure; however, there are some, even myself, which have tried; and I can assure you that it does not work. Now what am I talking about? Well, it goes something like this: you have asked God to forgive you for your sin, yet have taken that which causes you to sin, and have stowed it away for another day. I know that I have shared on this before, but this time it is about the heart, and love; something which we must keep pure. I should not need to say much more for you to get where this is going, and why the same result is not going to happen as yesterday; because it is. Those same two sources are going to tear you up, and as long as you are holding onto sin, there is nothing else that you can do about it. To really keep a pure heart we must want a heart that is pure! That sounds oddly simple, doesn't it? but it is true. God is more than able to make our heart pure; time and time again, if need be; however, the choice to keeping a pure heart is up to us, and no one else! So, what are we really talking about here? and why is love an issue? Really? is that your question? Have we not spent enough time on what love really means? and to who's benefit our love is for? Let me ask you this: do you think your love for God effects His love for you in any way? I think not! His love never changes, because He changes not; so try all you want, but you will not make Him love you any more, or any less. However; your love can be stronger and stronger, depending on the pureness of your heart; and if you are holding onto something that you know causes you to sin, then you have chosen to have a heart that is not pure... "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." (Matthew 5:8)

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