Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Keeping a Pure Heart" -3

If I had to pick a blog that I would finish with, it might be this one. When we are talking about 'Keeping a Pure Heart', the concept is really quite simple to understand; however, doing it requires help; help which requires the desire to be pure! God will make our heart pure by the removal of sin; I think we can all get a good understanding of that; right? In this process of the removal of sin is also the removal of guilt; guilt which was associated with that sin, and had made our hearts impure to begin with. However, the one thing that God will not do is to take away our free will, which is the one thing that can still prevent our hearts from remaining pure. This is where there might be a difference of opinion, because some might believe that once God makes a man's heart pure, and then places His Spirit within that heart, then there is no way that man's heart can become impure. I do not hold to this belief, because it is not quite that easy to keep pure. How do you explain the reason that we must press forward; keeping in fellowship; studying His Word to show ourselves approved; fasting and praying to know His will? all of which are things that require due diligence and effort on our part. Therefore, God can purify our heart, but we must endeavor to remain pure in heart; in other words, there must be the desire within our heart to remain pure; which will allow the Holy Spirit to enable us to do so. The real question we must answer, is whether or not our purification is a process, or is it instantaneous? How about both? Yes, that is my answer! His will for us is instantaneous; however, our will requires a process. Can you see what is required of you? Getting our will to alien with His will is what produces a heart that is pure. Or, a better way to put it: a heart that is pure will not desire sin, because a pure heart will wish to remain pure... "Wilt thou be made whole? (then) Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. (and) Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing happen to you." (The words of Jesus from John 5:6-14)

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