Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"Victory is Ours"

Be it here, there, or in the air! But looking at the things happening in this world right now can sure set us back, if we let them! However, we must know in our hearts that this is not our world any longer; it must be settled in our minds that we can not change this mess, we can only hope to change some hearts by sharing the Good News. In fact, reading the Scriptures that explain what shall happen in the end times, it shall only get worst; but we must take comfort in that, knowing that no matter how difficult things might become, we have somewhere else that we must be looking for; somewhere else that we are looking forward to being. I was tempted yesterday to share about some of the things that recently have been in the news; like the 95 year old lady who was being strip of her dignity for 45 minutes at the airport security check point. But I think we can see for ourselves what we can become; it is easy enough to see how things can get so out of control, and how terrorism from within can have several different meanings. Because that is really nothing compared to what shall happen to those that refuse to deny their faith in Jesus Christ, or to those that refuse to accept the mark of he who rules this world. It is just kind of hard to watch as the tapestry unfolds and knowing that the enemy will be having some victories for now; just seeing the glee in the faces of those in New York last week, as they came together under the eyes of the world, and spat in the face of God; it makes me wonder, are we ready? Am I ready for this that is going to happen? Should I plant a garden? Should I store up food enough for who knows how long? Or, should I just prepare my heart for being ready? I think the later is the only thing that is for sure, and that requires that I store my treasure in heaven, not on this earth; and what is treasure, but that which you think you need for another day? If we are going to be ready, then we must believe in Who holds the victory in His hands; and we must put all of our faith in His ability to take us through to the other side; no matter what!!! Do you believe that He will? I know that I believe that He can, but sometimes I think I lack the ability to believe that He will, for me. Who am I that He should love me? is the question in my mind. However, it is not there for long, because I must cast it out; asking God to forgive me for doubting His great love; a love that has no boundaries when it comes to those that are His. And that my dear brothers and sisters is the key: knowing that I am His!!! "For whosoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth the Jesus is the Son of God?" (1 John 5:4 & 5)

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