Monday, June 20, 2011

"The Pure Flow of Life Eternal"

Now that you might understand the workings of the spigot, you can better understand the way we try to control the flow on another level; which has to do with trials. Trials that are meant to shape us, and mold us into His perfect image; and we try and stop what He is doing within that trial by our actions. I know a little something about this, so you can know that I am sharing from experience; besides, it also has several examples within God's word. The number one way that we put our hand upon the spigot is by complaining when we are going through a trial. It is really hard, if not impossible to be a witness of someone who is living Life Eternal when you moan and groan about a speed bump. Yet, when we do complain about something which God has allowed for us to go through, what does that say for our belief in His love for us? I know God loves me, but today He is really being a prick! How about: God, I don't know what your doing, so why don't you just stop! Or: Lord, love me a little less! All of which are ways to express frustration in what you are going through, but none give glory to God and the work which He can do in you, and in those around you. When Jesus spoke about "a well of water springing up into everlasting life", He means to refer to that which is God's; in other words, God's eternal time clock is becoming your reality through the Living Water that is springing up inside of you. Therefore, when we make an issue of something which really has no effect whatsoever upon that which is eternal, we are placing our hand upon the tap, and we are closing the flow... "Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but the Spirit of the Living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart." (2 Corinthians 3:3)

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