Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"Don't Stop The Flow" -2

By now you are either confused or enlightened; which one is it? One minute I am saying that we can not control the flow, the next I am saying we are responsible for making it flow; is that what you understood? God is in control of the flow, and He must always be in control; where we get into trouble is when we assume that we are in control, as if we have a say in such matters. Our role in this is to be steadfast and always looking up; as someone who is waiting for elevator to come down from umpteenth floor so that we may step inside. Having said that, I must remind you, and myself also, that our actions are vitally important to the work that God is doing in us and through us; in this we are responsible for not getting in the way of what God is doing, even though it might require us for Him to do it. Did not understand that? This part is easy to explain, and should not require much thought; but it does require a whole lot of love. Love that is greater than anything this world has to offer; love that wishes it could have the privilege to be used for His kingdom; love that wants to be an expression of His Love. This is no ordinary love, but it is a love that has been martyred already; how? because as Jesus has already died for us, so too we have died for Him. The old man has been crucified with Jesus Christ, and the New man is alive in Christ, living out Eternal Life in Him; already this is happening!!! Do we really understand that? I don't think that we do; otherwise, why would we constantly hurt one another? Do we still think that we have something to gain in this world? Do you want to know what I think? I do not think that Cain understood the meaning of sacrifice, and what it meant to the forgiveness of sin; yet Abel did; this is why Cain hated his brother. Cain could not understand why his offering was rejected and Abel's accepted; he could not get into his heart the concept of atonement for sin, and that the blood offering was not just an offering to give up to God, but that it was an offering to give into God; to lay down unto God, as in to ask for mercy in our praises. It was this lack of understanding which caused Cain to kill his brother; this is what causes us to strive amongst each other: not understanding what it means to sacrifice unto the Lord, and lay our life down for our brother. Do you know why Cain was so angry? It started with an anger towards God, in that God was not pleased with his way of doing what he did; and then it spread to jealousy towards his brother, because his brother did it properly. This is the same game that we play amongst each other; where we think it should be our way or the highway; and so, if we do not get our way, then we either set out to hurt one another, or pack our bags and go. Where is the sacrifice in that? This is why John called Cain "of the wicked one", because he had no concept of what sacrifice meant, and choose to seek his own way over that of the right way...

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