Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"Taught By Love" -2

In case you were wondering, the word 'jealousy' in The Song of Solomon 8:6 actually means 'ardent'; which means that the proper translation should read, "Ardent zeal is as strong as the grave"; and ardent means passionate or intense. This is a very interesting Book in the Bible, and many avoid teaching on it all together. However, it's original title in the Hebrew was "The Song of Songs", meaning the best of songs; and it is best described as love poetry. The Jews referred it to God's dealings with His bride, Israel; however, early Christians saw it as representing the relationship between Christ and His bride, the Church. Either way it is packed with some very strong metaphors, which when taken out of context can make you blush while teaching this Book in front of a large crowd of people. That being said, I am learning something from not just God's love for me, but I am also being taught by the love I share with my wife. I say share because I still believe that we have a connection, although many cannot tell it is so; caught in the moment of surprise, neither can I demonstrate it for you; but hang out with us for several hours of sharing (as if I would permit it) and you would be able to see the connection. This shared love is something that can only be expressed by the act of sharing in it; in other words, it is pointless for me to try and explain this love to you, because it would be much like the second part of verse seven in The Song of Solomon chapter eight: irrational. In other words; you would not understand the rationality of my passion, nor the deeper meanings that are expressed; at least not enough to justify their importance to divorce reality, or what might be perceived as reality by those that are looking outwardly for reason. To put it bluntly, some would say, What an idiot!, and shake their head in wonder, as they don't even try to understand why because it seems so meaningless. However; just as the meaning of "for love is as strong as death" in verse six, to really know the passion of what is being experienced by love, one must be taken to that place; much as, to know what death is really like; well you get the picture...

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