Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Don't Stop The Flow"

"For our conversation is in heaven, from whence also we look for our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself." (Philippians 3:20 & 21) Conversation is not just words, but deeds and actions; we know this; we have been told this time and time again; and yet we fail over and over to carry out what we know to be true. Is not this also sin? I am convinced that it is; and not only is it sin, but it is sin which causes doubt towards generations. We are His workmanship, and as such, we must be putting forth the example of what it means to be living with Eternal Life in us; by doing this, we shall have Eternal Life springing forth out of us; splashing unto all of those that are around us. Does that mean we must live the life of a martyr? You did not know that? Yes we must lay down our lives for the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Which requires our attention to the actions we put forth as we are going through a trial; of any sort! Ideally, our actions will be set upon and towards those things which are eternal; however, these bodies are vile, and they are prone to make mistakes; therefore we must pay attention to our own actions very carefully; knowing that this is not just our trial, and that it is not just for our benefit that we are going through something; but it ripples out into so many lives around us. So; just as this could be an occasion to sin, it can also be; no, it is meant to be an opportunity to declared God's love; to show forth His eternal life that has been given unto us, that those around us can be privileged enough to get a glimpse of what Eternal Life looks like...

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