Saturday, June 4, 2011

"No Greater Love" -2

Maybe the first thing we need to know about "the will of God" is what His will means? It signifies His gracious disposition toward something; in other words, the will of God designates what God Himself does of His own good pleasure. However, if we look again at John's writings, what John specifically said was, "but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever", which is talking about man doing what it is that God has done. Now I wonder what that could be? If I could just get past this mortality, then I could really understand how this works; but that is not possible, because as soon as I open my eyes I am still in it, and the vision is gone. Nevertheless, I will try and explain what I think He has shown me, and with a little luck, it might make sense to someone out there in cyberspace. The will of God when it comes to man is that which results from His process of determination; in other words, God, who being determined to provide a way for man to be saved from sin and all that comes with it, had only one way to to bring about that result, and it involved the giving of Himself, which was His Son Jesus Christ. Okay, but how does that relate to something that man can do? Right? Well (another deep subject) let's think about this for just a moment; because John, unlike Paul, does not make much mention of the Holy Spirit, although he does make references to all that the Holy Spirit does. That being said, we do have the will of God abiding in us when we are filled with His Spirit, because as with all things God, His will is also eternal; and that same will which resulted in the giving of His Son is still very much who He is and a part of Him. Now that we know the roundabout of what 'the will of God' is meant to manifest, we can better understand the heart of His will, or the center of why His will is so determined to save man from their sin; and that my dear brothers and sisters is Love. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

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